Monday, October 29, 2012

Welcome to Wonderland

So here is my Halloween costume I wore this weekend. Alice in Zombieland. The first picture is taken when I had pimped up my costume with the playing cards (here you can see it without them) and I had decided what accessories I would wear with it. I couldn't have the heels on though since we were at my friends place and their floor wouldn't have liked it too much.

The picture below is the final costume zombiefied with fake blood and handprints, with scary make-up on and ready with a back story to why I (Alice) became a zombie. The flash is very annoying since you can't see the blood that is dripping down my throath, but I will show you better ones when I get the pictures from the party.

And these pictures here below in the collage is some of the inspirational pictures I found for the make-up, look overall, costume and character. More of them in this post.

And yes I accidentally deleted the original post when I was putting in pictures in my next one from my phone so now I'm very annoyed at the blog and phone. Argh :@


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