Sunday, June 3, 2012

One Perfect Summer...

I knoooow I haven't blogged properly again, but well it's been weekend again and I have had lots to do. Okay, yesterday I didn't do anything in particular, couldn't even be bothered to go out dancing! (What's wrong with me these days?). Well mostly it was because I had work today. I realized yesterday that I have just two days off for the next two weeks so I'm going to enjoy every little moment I have free and do stuff that I feel like doing right then and there. For now it's not blogging so I'll blog a bit again when I have time and inspiration, maybe tomorrow or maybe next week. And tonight I'm not going to write more than this either, I just wanna sink into the book I'm reading right now. Yes, a love story; Paige Toons latest book "One Perfect Summer". I can say I'm not very impressed yet, but you're still so into the book and you just wanna know more and more and what happens next. I'm probably writing more about it when I've read it. Right now I'm loving summer holidays, because I can read again and I have time for it and I don't have school stuff to think of.

"Two soulmates... three broken hearts"


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