Monday, September 2, 2013


Gårdagen bestod mest av att ta det lugnt, eller jag studerade ju nog hela eftermiddagen och kvällen, men det kändes inte lika jobbigt för jag hade sällskap av Filip och senare också Nacho. Jag kan faktiskt studera även om det är andra där så länge som det inte är helt full meteli på. Vanligtvis blir jag alltför rastlös efter några timmar, men nu hade vi lite små pauser då vi prata lite allt möjligt och fortsatte sen duktigt bara och läsa. Vi har så mycket mera läxor här än på hanken, liksom mera att läsa till varje lektion och mera "mindre" assignments varje vecka i alla kurser och quizzes och pop-quizzes man ska vara förberedd på. Mest handlar det ju om time management så om man kan prioritera, planera och vara effektiv så går det nog. Måste ju nästan börja planera in fritid istället för the other way around.

Dagen idag börjar med en timmes volleyball practice och så har vi lektioner i Intro to PR och Web Writing & Design (i framtiden förkortat WWD) efter det. Båda intressanta kurser och verkar mycket lärorika! Dessutom bestämde vi oss för att hoppa av PR Research kursen då vi i princip gjort liknande tidigare och den verkade lite onödig i sig också, så nu har vi bara 4 vanliga kurser och 3 sportkurser. Är ännu lite amazed över att man kan få studiepoäng av att träna här. Haha. Även om jag inte har någon nytta av dem i min examen och får nog inte in dem någonstans i studieplanen heller så är det bra och ha dem där så man inte på misstag heller blir under 12 credit units (x 2 för SP) som krävs för att visumet ska fortsätta vara giltigt.

EN: Yesterday consisted mostly of chilling, or I actually studied the whole afternoon and evening, but it didn't feel as much like a pain in the ass because I had company from Filip and later also Nacho joined us. I can actually study when people are around, as long as they won't have a full on rock concert going on. Usually I get too restless after a couple of hours, but now my flow was really on, and also we had small 'pauses' when we just talked about whatever and then we just continued reading. We also have so much more homework here than in Åbo Akademi, I mean more to read for every class and more "smaller" assignments that are handed in every week in every class and also quizzes and pop-quizzes you have to be prepared for. Mostly you just have to be good at time management, so if you're good at prioritizing, planning and being effective you will have no problem. I almost have to plan in my free time instead!

Today I'm going to kick-off the day with an hour's volleyball practice and then we have lessons in Intro to PR and Web Writing & Design (in the future shortened WWD) after that. Both seem like interesting courses and I feel like I will actually learn something! Also we decided to drop out of the PR Research course because we've done similar stuff before and therefore it felt a little unneccessary to take it, so now we have only 4 normal courses and 3 athletic courses. I'm still a bit amazed that you actually can get study points (credits) for exercising in here. Haha. Even though I won't need them in my exam and also they won't fit anywhere in my study plan it's good I have them there so I won't go under 12 credits even by mistake that are required so the visa will be legit.

Work hard, play hard.

Pretty nice of them to give us a laundry bag where there are instructions on how to actually do laundry. Surprisingly many people here have never done it before and I've been asked four times already if I could show how to do it (mostly guys). The funniest thing is though that we have machines that are constructed for dummies, you simply put the detergent in the right pocket, then you just push a button that matches the colors of the laundry you're about to wash; "Whites" or "Dark & Colors". I'm a bit scared some of my clothes will shrink or something, because I have no idea how hot those programs wash on.

My awesome top my friends gave to me as a going-away gift. So awesome! :D (Still need to take some pictures with it on though). 

Another different thing is that our chairs in our rooms are actually built in rocking chairs :D


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