Saturday, September 7, 2013

Frat party, soccer party, just collegelife man

I don't quite know how to descibe this Saturday night. Just so much happened tonight that I need one whole post to describe the houseparty we went to tonight. It's just over 2 AM here and I should really go to bed, but I want to blog first so I won't forget all the stuff that happened today.

Well lets start with telling that we started drinking at the dorms, just a couple of drinks while playing a drinking game (obviously). After a while we got a ride from Matty to a soccer house party. Yes, the sports clubs, fraternities and sororities have their own houses here that people just party in. Cray cray! This one was better than the fraternity party we went to yesterday, since it was less crowded and you could actually walk from spot A to spot B. Oh and yes, we were out partying yesterday too, such a fun night even though I was not that sober. Playing flip cup and all... With tequila. Not a good idea guys! I needed one of those crazy nights. So tonight we went to this party and after like 10 minutes people started shouting that we should go down to the basement since the cops where outside. So without knowing any better we went down to the basement and it was so dark and moist in there. There we were, crammed in a basement of some random house and I swear I saw a spider. The upside is that they actually had music there so it was fun. After a while we went up again and there were less people than before. Sometime before twelve we decided we should go somewhere else, I decided that home would be the best whilst some of the others wanted to go out.

You would think this was it, but really, the cops outside the house, like 4-5 cars, one of them came to us and started talking to us. The end result was that one of us got a ticket (court date?) for having a beer in the hand. Seriously now? It's so strict in here and I can't effin' believe it. So really we've been through this whole collegelife party thing tonight. Getting to an over crowded party, the cops busting the party and someone getting a ticket. Might as well have gotten arrested alright! Also one weird thing is that the people who arrange these parties sometimes call the cops themselves because they don't have any control over how much people there are at the party. 

Well, I'm at least at "home" now, safe and sound, soon off to bed and just writing about this weird experience. This is not a free country and it's not that liberal either. I get annoyed of the rules we have in Finland about everything imaginable, but it's almost worse here because they actually do something about the rules, it's not just a courtesy thing as in Finland. So that said, I just want to go to bed now. Good night folks!

Serbian shot glasses. Cheers!

Flip Cup.

Nacho explaining to Filip how to play. 

Saying goodbye to my blond hair!

 Anna-Marie, our hair dresser, dying my hair.

Anne and Damir.

At the soccer house.

Basement party?

This is how they roll. Shaving cream all over the shower!

Some people played beer pong.

Me, Maria Claudia and Anna-Marie.

Posing with the cop car :D


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