Thursday, September 6, 2012

I promised myself to finally post the "piles" of drafts one by one that have been "lying around" my blog, written, but unpublished. Most of them are more personal (and silly) and I've been unsure about posting them because of that, but what the hell. I could share some more personal stuff with you than I already do. Here's one of them that I wrote in like April-May sometime.

"Dear Future Love,

I don't know who you are or where you might be in this very moment, but still I'm adressing this "letter" to you. Maybe our paths have crossed already, maybe they haven't, but I'm sure of one thing; in the future they will. Maybe you live next to me, maybe we're friends or maybe you're someone I don't know yet, maybe you're somewhere out in the big world; who knows? But 'til then I want to tell you these things.

I want to promise you all good things existing on this planet, but I can't. Instead I can promise you I will love you unconditionally, no matter who you were before or who you are now. I will make your world rock, make you smile and be there for you every day and whenever you need it. I will tell all my friends how great you are and I will want to tell you eveything about myself and learn to know you for the person you are.

You will not be my first love, you will not be the first one I've kissed, not the first one whose calls or messages I've been waiting for, nor the first one I've had late nights with laughing, neither will you be the first one I've told personal things to and not the first one to tell me you love me. But nothing of that matters since you are my love now, probably the best one and the one who is making my world perfect despite of our unperfections. You will be the one I'm laughing with, being myself with, the one I can't stop thinking about. The first one I think about in the morning when I wake up and the last thing on my mind before falling asleep. You made my wrongs into rights. You will be all those clichées for me. You will be the one who knows all my faults and despite of that, still love me and I will love you back with the same passion and understanding as you. I will be your person and you will be mine.

I will leave you with these words for the future ahead of us. I love you and I can't wait to meet you and make "you and me" into an "us".

With kisses and love, your future lover"

Sometimes I feel like a stupid romantic and this shows it even more. Think whatever you want, but I think it's good to have hope, dreams and believing in true love. This post was inspired by this one.


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