Friday, September 27, 2013



Since last time we've been just having school school school and just been chilling I guess. Nothing out of the ordinary so to say. I bought myself a Macbook Air 13" last weekend and I'm in love. How did I survive without it before? Also I got it for "only" about 850e. Gotta love America!

I aced a quiz. Yay! It was an easy one though.

Fall is coming slowly, but steadily. It's still over 20 degrees during the days. Nice!

I found that someone had put a flower on my door this one evening. No one has claimed being the one doing it yet though.

This one day at school.

A group of us went to a college welome expo at the Stanley Theatre in downtown Utica.

"Broke" into this old ticket sales booth and took a photo. Hah.

After that we went for ice cream at Nicky Doodles. Biggest ice creams ever. I to I took a small one. Yeah right, small.


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