Tuesday, February 11, 2014

January 25th to February 11th - RECAP

So, today I realized I actually have a blog to keep up and running. Time just flies and one week seems like one day. Instead of writing a long text about everything that's happened and what have gone through my mind these past couple of weeks, I'll just summarize them in heart points for you. Here it goes:

❤ Fun to see everyone after the winter break - both old and new people.
❤ Dana is my suite mate now, opposite from my room. Love how we have our doors open and talk to each other from our rooms, or if the doors are shut we just text each other. We live by "Mi casa, es su casa". Friendship!
❤ I feel like I'm making a greater effort in actually learning to know some Americans too (not only internationals).
❤ My music taste have improved even more - at this moment it's in that state of awesomeness that I listen to music nearly everywhere and sing along (out loud too, whoops!).
❤ I discovered once again that I start speaking British English and I master dirty talk in French when very intoxicated by vodka - weird as f*ck.
❤ I love partying again! Finally! And realized how much I actually prefer drinking vodka and cranberry juice over anything else.
❤ We went to Rome, no not the one in Italy, but the fake Rome in central New York, and watched Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 classic "The Birds" in an old theatre. Hipster much?
❤ We broke a photo company's record on most people in a photo booth. Their previous record was 18 and we were bout 20 in the booth for the biggest group photo.
❤ Classes got cancelled one day because of the weather. This is called a "snow day" in America. In Finland it's called "everyday". Haha, bad joke, I know.

1. Super Bowl. 2. Roomie quality time. 3. Birds at the Capitol Theatre in Rome. 4. Fun memories.

Snow day snowy madness

This one fun night.

❤ I've become addicted to Twitter. And enjoy reading UC Confessions & UC Crushes. The college's own Gossip Girl. Sometimes funny, sometimes less funny. Find me on twitter here.
❤ This twitter page is the funniest (and possibly most disgusting) though: Collegefession.
❤ I'm actually excited by my classes, but still like to do as little effort as possible and still get an A. Possible? Definitely yes, according to my student record from last semester.
❤ My homework mostly consists of reading articles, tweeting about them, blogging and pretending to read chapters in advance. Piece of cake.
❤ Watched "The Awkward Moment" with Anna and Dana in the cinema and realized that Zac Efron is pretty hot. The movie was not the best though.
❤ I still start crying if I think too much about my baby dog Bebe that died in December. It's almost hard to talk about it for more than 2 minutes. I think I haven't processed it really yet since I haven't been home and actually seen her gone :'(
❤ Mom is getting another dog, a husky puppy, that I named Milo (cute name right?). I was jumping around of happiness when my mom said "We're going to get Milo home the 20th". I was like "Whaaaaat? She's actually agreed on my name choice? It took just two other dogs before that happened".

The Awkward Moment movie night with Anna and Dana.

Photo of Sissi and Bebe in 2010. Miss Bebe so much ❤

Baby Milo

❤ I have a lot of free time to kill, but somehow I manage to have no time.
❤ I'm almost caught up on every TV show I follow (embarrassingly many! Like how do I even have a social life?).
❤ I finished watching Dexter in just about 3 weeks and I finally started watching Breaking Bad, but don't like it quite yet.
❤ I've been doing way too much internet shopping in the past week.
❤ I've been going to the gym regularly since coming back (except when I was sick for like 4 days) and enjoy our fun volleyball classes.
❤ We've watched two UC men's hockey games since we came back. Awesome!
❤ I cut off about 10-15 cm of my hair. Was about time!
❤ Watched the whole Super Bowl for the first time ever and it wasn't half bad. I cheered for the winning team Seattle Seahawks only because Macklemore is a fan. Shallow I know.
❤ Spring Break is only about a month away. PANIC!!
❤ Last but not least; this list has way too many heart points.

Me and Anna at last Saturday's hockey game. Excited!

Selfiest selfie ever. Went like this to a sorority party and some people said they could tell I was European (the cap on) and some thought I looked so hipster. Hahhaa, lol.


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