Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I'm still awake. In the middle of the night. I just finished studying (done that pretty much since like 2 PMish), and still it doesn't feel like I got enough done. Gaaah, I hate this feeling. I actually didn't finish anything today, just started on everything, which is not good. I'm not good at finishing projects that way. We've had a crazy week with Anna, and lots is still to come, since we have a midterm tomorrow, a quiz on Friday, and also I need to write a blogpost for my project blog and hand in a research paper outline on Friday. I still haven't figured out on what exactly I want to do research on, or more what I'm able to do on, since I can't find sources. I'm just bad at researching I guess. And I'm way late with writing this weeks column that I need to hand in tomorrow.

We've had some beautiful mornings and beautiful sunsets.

I've probably said it before, but the amount of homework we have here is way more than at home. We have much more to read for every class and a lot of written assignments, both smaller and bigger ones. Also we have quizzes almost every week, that we usually don't have back at home. There we have just one big test in the end of each course in the end of the semester and you crazy study just before the test. It doesn't feel like you're studying at all actually. But the pros are though, that I've learnt so much more here in just a little bit over a month than I probably have in one year back at home. I don't know if it is the mentality here, that you have to try to get good grades (or is this just the bored exchangies?), or if it's that we actually have the small quizzes in-between that work up toward the bigger test in the end. The "big" test doesn't seem as frightening when you've had the chance to test your knowledge a handful of times before the actual test I think. Well, I've done pretty good so far, so I'm actually not that worried about the test tomorrow. I just have to wake up earlyish and read the rest of my notes. Yeah, and that's also one thing, you can actually do very well if you only take notes during class and read them for a test. I haven't opened an actual course book for a test yet and that feels so nice somehow. There's just TOO much information in the books.

Well, now I guess I need to round this post up and go to sleep. I'm overly tired so it's hard to fall asleep,  and also because I'm all worked up and still trying to process all the info I've taken in today. Good nightie all (or actually good morning back in Finland)!

1. Beer pong (with water, whaaaat?) on Saturday. 2. Night out in BLU on Saturday. 3. Rainy night. 4. Chocolate. I miss Fazers Blå!

Still rocking shorts and skirts bare-legged. It's getting a tad to cold now though.


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