Monday, December 31, 2012

My 2012

This year I promised myself to do this already traditional list on my blog earlier than last time. If you want to compare to my last years list check here, but otherwise the questions are the same. What have you accomplished this year?

1. Did you do anything this year that you've never done before?
The first thing that pops into my mind is seeing Swedish House Mafia live, going on my first festival this summer and seeing my first live hockey game. Also I visited places I've never been to before, worked at three different places at the same time at one point, started studying marketing as my major in university and sent in my first exchange year application.

2.Did you keep any of your New Years vows?
The only actual vow I made was to do new things and I think I managed quite well.

3. Did anybody you know get children?
Yes, but not any close friends. Where do all these kids come from??

4. Did anybody you were close with die?
No. But I've become very scared of death this year. Not scared that I would die, but people close to me.

TPS-KalPa 26.01.2012

5.Which countries did you visit?
Thailand (most of the trip was in January), Sweden this summer for a quick 20 minute walk, Barcelona with my sisters in August and Paris for the sixth time I think in October. I wanted to travel more but didn't have money nor time :(

6. Is there anything you missed 2012, that you want to bring to 2013?
Love and more happy times.

7. What date will you always remember?
29.03-01.04 Vasa for Pampas Nationaldag, 06/04, 08-10/04, 26/05 80's party, all nights spent in Nagu with friends this summer, Regatta & Poker Run 2012, later in July sometime visiting Rina in Åland Islands and going to my first festival; RockOff to see Pandora, Janne Grönroos and Maskinen, 23-27/08 Barcelona trip, 03-08.10 Paris trip, 27/10 Halloween Party30/11 Glöggsitz, 20/12 SHM concert and 21/12 Hangö Gillet julsitz.

Regatta 2012 with Alexandra, Anni, Sanna, Tintti, Jeffi, Ida, Ida L, Sarina (not in picture) and lots of other people I can imagine.

8. What was the best thing that happened in 2012?
I changed my major to marketing instead of French and took the courage to me to apply for an exchange year. And also met some awesome people!
9. What was your biggest mistake?
I think I haven't had particularly any bigger mistakes that I haven't learned from. Some smaller insignificant ones probably. I should start thinking smarter I guess?

Pampas Nationaldag in Vasa. Random three days, but oh so fun!

10. What was your best purchase?
My iPhone, the trip to Barcelona as a gift for one of my sisters, tickets to Paris and SHM concert ticket.
11. What did you spend most money on?
Vacations, phone bills and dresses (god I have many of them now!).
12. What made you really happy?
Friends, summer, trips, Barcelona, Paris and lovely people.
13. Have you been ill or hurt yourself?
Nope, don't recall anything major.

Here are like 1/4th of all dresses I've bought this year. Addicted anyone?

14. What songs or artists will get you reminded of 2012?
Gangnam Style by PSY, Call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen, Swedish House Mafia (especially DYWC), Euphoria by Loreen, Äckligt by Ansiktet, Frida Amundsen, Somebody that I used to know by Gotye ft. Kimbra, I love it by Icona Pop, Home by Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros,  Feel the love by Rudimental ft. John Newman, Bom Bom by Sam and the Womp and probably many more.
15. Did you feel better or worse in 2012 than years before ?
Worse actually :(
16. Is there anything you wished you'd have put more time on?
Studies and myself.
17. Is there anything you wished you'd have put less time on?
Thinking that I'm not worth shit.
18. How was your Christmas?
Wonderful as always!
19. Did you fall in love?
Nope, or when I was drunk I was "in love" many times. Haha. Had crushes? Yes.

20. What TV-programme have been the best?
New Girl, Happy Endings, last season of Desperate Housewives and Gossip Girl, HIMYM, Family Guy, Revenge, Suits, Drop Dead Diva, Awkward, Hollywood Heights... God I watch way too many shows!
21. Do you hate anybody now that you didn't hate before?
22. What was the best book you read?
I didn't read that much this year I think, not as much as I'm used to. But One Perfect Summer by Paige Toon, The Clan of the Cave Bears by Jean M. Auel (even though I haven't finished it yet, How to Marry a Finnish Girl by Phil Schwarzmann and the beginning of Shantaram by Gregory David Roverts (haven't finished yet).
23. What was your biggest musical discovery?
Frida Amundsen, lots of house musicians and indie bands. Die Antwoord :D
24. Did you wish for something and got it?
That I would be able to give my sis a vacation abroad as a gift for her 20th birthday and graduation. And what a nice trip it was! And I got granted an exchange year place in the US for next year, but it's not entirely sure yet I'm going so stay tuned on that matter.

25. Did you wish for something that you didn't get?
A Victoria's Secret model body. Dream on :D
26. What was the best movie?
Skyfall (can't believe I'm actually putting a Bond movie here!) and Hunger Games. Notebook all the 9 times I saw it this year. And of course Magic Mike!
27. What did you do on your birthday?
I don't even remember when I celebrated it, but probably the week after my actual birthday. Some of my friends came over to my place and then we went out to at least Donna.
28. Who were the best people you met?
Some chosen few. I wasn't very social this year, but managed to meet some people that I can call friends :)
29. How would you describe your style during the year?
Almost the same as last year: high-waisted skirts, dresses, tops, lipstick, ombre hair, high-heels, Converse and colors. I also discovered green looks pretty good on me :D

30. What made you feel good?
Friends mostly and doing things I liked.
31. What celebrity were you most into?
Channing Tatum and the Hemsworth brothers.
32. Who did you miss?
Too many people. This year has had too much missing in it.
33. What was your best month?
Hmm, March-April, August and half of December.
34. Is there anything you could have done better?
Probably lots. Studied even harder, not care what others think and thought more about myself and live healthier.
35. How is this year going to differ from the last one?
Hopefully it'll be a happier one than this year. This year started out good, but from there it just went downwards. So more happiness, more hanging with friends and more love. And more excersing!


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