Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Just a quick hello here to let you know I survived Boston. That city is so far the best one I've visited here. It was even better than hyped NYC, let me tell you that. I'll write more about Boston and the trip in another post. Still haven't written about Montréal either… Such a lazy blogger. No, really I just have lots of stuff to do and blogging is the last of my concerns. And one more thing about the trip, the best thing really was that I saw my BFF Aoife again. Soooooooo superduperamazing :) Thanks for visiting girl, bisous <3 Can't really believe on how many trips we've been on together already and we have only known each other for 3,5 years :D

Me and Eef

Finals week is just around the corner and we're really just going through the last things in every class now. Today we had the most important presentation I've ever had to do so far for a real client. I told you earlier that we were working in groups this semester to create a PR campaign for our client, not-for-profit organization Thea Bowman House. Oh, yeah, our campaign was a Thanksgiving food drive for the TBH food pantry. So today we presented our campaign and I was really impressed by all of the groups campaigns. Everything was so professionally done and thought-out. See, this is why I enjoy studying here. Everything is on a whole different level than back home, everything is more real and tangible. I've learned more than I ever thought I would during this semester and I'm so happy I'm staying for another. Finally a good life choice! :D

Food bin for the Thea Bowman House campaign we created.

This week is going to be interesting since it's the last real week of classes before the Christmas break, were having a fundraising campaign with PRSSA this week and there's a charity UC Pioneers men's hockey game on Saturday (Teddy Bear Toss), if we get tickets that is.

Now I really need to do more homework and meet some deadlines. Have a nice week!

Study study


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