Saturday, October 19, 2013


It's homecoming weekend and even though a couple of days ago I had practically no idea what homecoming is, I'm pretty excited. After all, it's my first American college homecoming, and probably my only one also. It's a weekend when alumni come back to their college and parents of students and so on. They have different events, speakers, parties and a small fair with rides. So it's pretty fun I guess. Yesterday I was swamped with homework though so I didn't do anything special, but tonight we're probably gonna party a little. I just came back to the dorms after watching half of an American football game with the UC Pioneers against the Ithaca Bombers. I still don't understand the rules, so it's not that fun to watch. Well, now I'm going to continue my homework and hope I'll finish enough of it today.

Kanye West's Homecoming pops always in my head when I think about homecoming by the way :D

Shit my phone camera quality is sooooo bad nowadays. WTF iOS?


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