Wednesday, September 11, 2013

American College Life

Hello there! Has this week started off alright for you guys? Lets do this the American way: I don't expect an answer on that or any other "Hello! How's it going?"/"How are you?" either. I still have no idea what to answer the lady at the caf (cafeteria) when she asks if I had a good day, because she doesn't really want an answer. I feel awkward every time that question comes up, honestly. So in that way I'm still not totally americanized.

My week has actually started off really good. Monday started out with morning volleyball practice and then two classes. I have my own domain now and I'm about to start blogging there soon enough for this one course. You can find the blog here: Follow and comment if you like! (Will make my teacher (and me) happy!). It's still a work in progress and not at all how I want it to look like, but eventually I will learn to use wordpress and get my interviews done.

Today we had volleyball practice again and it was so much fun! We actually had a game going on now! And next week we actually start playing tennis against each other, since we've now learned the basics. I feel so grateful right now. Just because I got the chance of coming here and also that I'm learning new things every day. In class we learn so much more somehow, because we repeat things a lot and we actually get to know what is coming to the quizzes in advance so we really learn the most important things. I think this system is still a little bit silly though. My first writing assignment went pretty well, A-, and then I got a 92/100 on my first quiz so I'm happy. Hopefully this flow will continue throughtout my year here.

Another interesting news is that I'm going to start writing a weekly column for The Tangerine, our college newspaper. I'm going to be the female "Lasse" as Louis said. Haha. Lasse was another Finnish guy from our school that was here last year. I can write about just anything so it will be nice and fun I think. I want to do that to improve my writing skills and also I have just about 400-450 words that I can use so maybe I will finally learn to be concise.

What else? In a couple of hours I'm off to kickboxing and I should read another chapter for mass communications after that. So adiós for now!

My messy schedule.

Selfie from yesterday :P

Today there was this organizations and clubs fair (much like Gulisakademin for you back home). 1. I joined PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America). / 2. A club I'd like to join, but I'm afraid I'm not nerdy enough to go through comicons and such.. / 3. International Student Organization's table was empty, but I'm in that one already. / 4. A 9/11 memorial.


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