Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Ho Code

I've been thinking about the differencies between men and women (as many people have before me and there's even lots of books about this subject). I'm not obviously saying that it's always like this and I can't obviously say that all the women and men are or think like this and obviously I'm not a man, so keep that in mind while reading further (and don't take it as it's the only truth out there).

For instance, picture a man and woman breaking up and the aftermath of that. Then one day the the man sleeps with the womans friend. Well, the man thinks he's some kind of Adonis (a greek god), and maybe says to his friends something like: "Yo, I pumped that pussy last night." (This sentence I've partially based on what I've heard men (boys) around me say and the movie "My Best Friends Girl" where one song plays with similar words). And then the friends are like "Cool man" or something like that.

But then it comes down to the woman's friend who has to tell the woman that she slept with the woman's ex, as this is the only right thing to do according to "The Ho Code". Well, first I think it is not easy, but then she finally finds the courage and tells her friend. This could end in two ways; the woman thinks it's okay and there's nothing more to it or at most she says it would have been nicer if her friend had asked first if it was okay as we women are permission askers and givers. Or (like in most cases I can imagine) it ends with the friends unfriending each other. If the women are somewhat grown up they won't trash talk each other as was the custom in like high school, but the woman will be angry and there's no way of telling how long it will take her to forgive her friend or if she ever will. Mostly this has nothing to do with the woman still having feelings for her ex, it's just the "Ho Code"'s rule number one; don't sleep with your friends ex or a person she's having a fling with at the moment (later the latter might be okay).

Put this situation the other way around, putting the man in the place of being the judge wether it was okay that the mans friend slept with his ex or not. Mostly it will be okay and there's nothing more to it and it may even be like "Yo man, did she do this thing with you too which is sooo awesome?" (this I also base on what I've heard men say). And in other fewer cases it will not be okay and often this is because the man actually still have feelings for the woman, he's a very jealous person or he was the one who got dumped (in worst case scenario she dumped him for his friend).

So the latter alternative in the women's case ends in lots of heartbreak and people not being friends with each other, so what's the point? Well, I think the point is that women are more emotionally involved in everything and they take it more personally than men would do. Most women would think about what's better with her, is she better and so on, because we women are thinkers and comparers. We compete with each other in everything (unconsciously and consciously) so be it in school, knitting, knowledge or looks or whatever else that you can compete about and therefore also men which includes our exes. Men, by my experience, are more chill about stuff and they stick together in most situations. Of course they also compete with each other, but not in the same way as women do.

Maybe this post is generalizing the genders and the ways of thinking too much, but you get the point right? It's not like we people are like a cardboard box with eight corners and six sides and there's nothing more to it, we are in fact individuals and people take stuff more or less seriously, differently and so on than the person next to you.

A reminder: Don't take this post tooooo seriously.


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