Thursday, June 7, 2012

Friday (again!)

I was supposed to blog just a liiiittle bit more than this this week, but I just haven't had the time. The last couple of days I've been working, hanging out with friends, had a very fun and random night out with Åsa and some of my colleagues from Viking Line on Tuesday and suffered from a severe hangover and took a walk with Sofia on Wednesday. Yesterday I was working until three and then I met up with Rina and after that with Alexandra from my French class. We took a "drink" at AussieBar and talked about lots off stuff, mostly dreams, plans and traveling. Then we went windowshopping while talking about how much money we really should save right now. Haha. After that I went home cleaning a bit and then Mia came here and we watched a movie and talked.

Now I'm soon off to Turku harbour to yet again set my feet on the ship and sail back and forth on Österjön until Tuesday morning. So mostly because of that I won't blog during the weekend. I had like pictures and stuff I wanted to show, but haven't just had the time to put them up. Buu! Well, have a nice weekend all! :)

I want a proper summer, like now! And preferably with some of my favourite girls! 
Picture from late last summer with Jeffi, Tintti and Ida.


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