Saturday, January 25, 2014


So the last days in DR went by way too fast. I soaked in all the sun I possibly could and took nice swims in the sea. Can you believe I was taking a morning swim and lay on the beach on Wednesday and now I'm back in Utica and battling approximately -17 degrees. Big jump in degrees there compared to about +30… Not mad at all. I started to actually get pretty okay with going back because traveling that much is no vacation if you thought that. Well, the last 12 days was as close to vaycay as I could come, but before that it was all traveller mode on and that ain't easy every time. I'm probs going to do a post on stuff I realized during my travels, because there was lots of shit going through my head. I don't know if that's part of finding yourself or soul searching or whatever, but it was relieving and even rewarding some times.

Classes started on Thursday and I'm actually pretty excited about most of them. I'm taking Publication Design, which is mostly graphic design and learning InDesign, then Digital Photography/Advanced News Photography, where we learn about Photoshop and taking pictures that tell stories. Also I have Public Relation Cases, where we go through various cases in PR, Social Media, in which I haven't had a class yet and then PR Writing, which seems a bit boring, but it's probably very rewarding in the end in terms of learning to be a better writer. Plus gym classes in volleyball, yoga and aquatics maybe and later on tennis and golf. It's going to be a packed semester and it will go by so fast, but hopefully it will be awesome!

Tonight we're going to cheer for our hockey guys and then out later on :)


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